How To Buy Gold For IRA Safely

The days of the standard IRA are over. With millions of people losing out on valuable retirement money in the past decade, we’ve seemed to learn our lesson as a nation and this has led to a wealth of new opportunities for our individual retirement accounts. For example, you may have seen all the attention surrounding precious metal IRAs and even cryptocurrencies with IRAs. However, choosing the right solution and getting the process started is another question entirely so we’re going to cover absolutely everything you need to know in this ‘how to buy gold for IRA’ guide.

Finding The Right Company

Before anything else, you need to choose the right company because this might just decide how content you are in the coming years. Let’s not forget, this is the money that will look after you when you’re (finally!) lucky enough to retire from work. Unfortunately, stories of couples and individuals losing their retirement money are only too common these days so it’s worth the extra research and consideration. This leads us to an industry-wide problem; scams.

In today’s world, with the expansion of the internet, scams are everywhere. Whether you’re trying to buy a house, a coat, or just want to sign up to a newsletter, we’re constantly being warned of scams. Normally, these companies will promise the world while actually being unable to deliver anything of value. Instead, they take your money and make it impossible for anybody to get in touch. With this in mind, you need to consider who is on your side as you make this change to your retirement plan. For example, Regal Assets, a trusted IRA company, provides customers with an opportunity to review a free gold scams report. Resources like this from trusted sources could be pivotal in your investment decisions.

Regal Assets – Important Considerations

When researching how to buy gold for IRA, there are certain factors that play an important role in your decision. We’ve decided to break these down and show you how a trusted company like Regal Assets can provide you with the solution you need.

Experience – For the last nine years, Regal Assets has been a leader within the precious metal IRA market. In this market especially, you need a company who can deal with industry changes and Regal Assets has proven their worth several times over; with experience comes trust and reliability.

Forward-Thinking – Gold and other precious metals have provided wealth protection for many generations because it offers an opportunity to diversify a portfolio, the prices aren’t linked with the dollar or US economy, and they actually perform strongly even during times of economic collapse. However, you still need a forward-thinking company that doesn’t just settle; this leads to stagnation. Regal Assets has recently expanded to explore the cryptocurrency market which gives you more options and shows the intent of the company in the wider market.

Range Of Products – Although we’re concentrating mainly on how to buy gold for IRA here, Regal Assets also operates with cryptos, silver, platinum, and palladium; cryptos still have a much larger element of risk compared to the other options, but it’s an area to keep an eye on.

Uniqueness – Too many companies these days follow the crowd so it’s good to look for a service who sets the trend rather than following it. With Regal Assets, you have a leader and this was displayed when they first introduced the live video feature to actually show account holders the arrival of their precious metals to the depository. Additionally, storage is segregated, there is potential for the gold to be stored overseas, and all purchases have a seven-day delivery guarantee.

Assistance – Finally, you should also be looking for a company that WANTS to help. With your retirement income on the line, you shouldn’t ever feel forced into a decision or as though you’re being a nuisance. If ever you have a question or need help, you should feel happy enough to ask. Over the years, Regal Assets has built a fantastic reputation for customer service. With a simple phone call, you can have all your questions answered in no time.

Factors such as these are critical when making big decisions over your future so choosing a reliable company like Regal Assets makes everything that little bit easier. When you have a partner you can trust, you don’t need to worry about a thing.

How To Buy Gold For IRA

Returning to the question of buying gold for your individual retirement account, how does it actually work? Sticking with Regal Assets as an example, let’s break down the process so you get an idea.

  1. Initial Contact – To start, you’ll need to get in touch and signal your interest in a gold IRA. Using a simple contact form, the provider can learn everything they need to know about your plans for retirement. If you have any questions about the process at this point, there’s no need to worry because…
  2. Processing – If you filled out the contact form online, your request will be processed and, in the case of Regal Assets, a representative should reach out to you within 24 hours. In this conversation, you can have any concerns and questions answered. Then, if you’re happy to go ahead and invest in gold for your IRA, they’ll get the ball rolling.
  3. Transfer – When talking with others or researching, you may have heard that this option isn’t open to those with an existing IRA but this simply isn’t true. In fact, Regal Assets will work with your current custodian in order to transfer your funds into the new account. This should answer another misconception that ‘transferring funds from one IRA to another can be a complete nightmare’; as long as you choose the right provider, everything should be looked after on your behalf.
  4. Finalizing the Details – Once you’ve reached this stage and the funds have reached the new provider, the gold will be purchased. With Regal Assets, they offer storage options around the US as well as in Singapore depending on your needs. From this moment on, the gold you own will be stored separately from all other precious metals and the account will be insured (just one reason why this option is often more successful than safe deposit boxes with commercial banks).


As you can see, the question of how to buy gold for IRA actually has a simple answer (contrary to popular belief). The success of the operation generally comes down to finding the right company and ensuring they meet the considerations listed above. Something we haven’t yet mentioned is the price you pay per year so remember this in your research – Regal Assets offer a flat rate regardless of whether your account value grows in the future. Meanwhile, some providers will charge a percentage of the account value which sees you punished for growing your retirement fund.

Finally, be sure to take advantage of the information companies are now offering for your security. Rather than jumping into a decision you’ll later regret, companies like Regal Assets allow you to chat with experts online and order a free investment kit!

Our personal recommendation to safeguard your future with gold is to contact Regal Assets, The #1 Rated Gold Investment Company 9 years in a row, Click Here To Request A FREE Gold Investors Kit.

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